
Many people assume that trees and utilities are incompatible and cannot coexist. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. With proper planning and consideration, it is possible to have trees and power infrastructure in close proximity without conflicts. In this article, we will explore the key points discussed in a YouTube video by Moonlight Communications, where they shed light on the importance of planting trees near utilities and provide insightful guidelines on how to do so effectively.


When it comes to trees and utilities, the key is to ensure that they are placed in locations that do not conflict with each other. This applies to both overhead and underground facilities. For overhead facilities, it is crucial to maintain a clear distance between street trees and power lines to prioritize safety for line workers. In sandy areas, dogwoods and pipe morales are preferred due to their ability to flourish in such environments.

Underground Facilities and Tree Health

Over the past 25 years, many utilities have transitioned to underground facilities. In this context, the health of trees near these underground facilities becomes a concern. The root systems of large trees can potentially damage the underground infrastructure, as they draw moisture and nutrients from the ground and stabilize the tree. It is essential to consider the depth and proximity of the root system when planting trees near underground facilities.

Compromised Tree Health

There are various factors that can compromise the health of a tree, including incorrect pruning techniques and impacts on the root system from trenching. If a significant portion of the root system is impacted, the tree may die. This emphasizes the importance of proper tree care and avoiding activities that can harm the root system.

Potential Risks and Damage

Unhealthy trees pose risks not only to the utilities themselves but also to homeowners. Trees can fall on power lines, causing outages, or damage the homeowner’s property. It is vital to prioritize the health of the tree and ensure it is not a potential hazard.

Underground Transformers and Their Role

In underground areas, transformers are essential components of the power infrastructure. These transformers typically appear as green boxes, measuring approximately three feet by three or four feet. They are often located at the front lot line of properties. While they may not complement the aesthetic of your landscaping plan, they are crucial for providing reliable service.

The Importance of Air Movement

To function properly, underground transformers require significant air movement to dissipate heat. Planting shrubs or low-growing vegetation too close to these devices can hinder their ability to dissipate heat, potentially shortening their lifespan. Additionally, maintaining sufficient spacing allows for easy access when maintenance or repairs are required.

Safety Considerations

For safety reasons, it is essential to maintain adequate spacing around transformers. A recommended guideline is to have approximately three feet of space around the sides and back of the transformer, as well as a non-fat area in front. These clear zones ensure natural convection around the transformer and provide space for line workers to utilize necessary tools.

Potential Cable Hazards

It is crucial to be aware of the presence of underground cables when planting around transformers. Underground cables are typically buried three to four feet deep. Digging deeper than this poses the risk of coming into contact with energized cables, which can be extremely dangerous. Avoid planting shrubs with deep-root systems that may encroach upon the utility equipment.

Prioritize Safety: Get a Locate Ticket

Before starting any planting or digging near utilities, it is imperative to obtain a locate ticket. This ticket marks the location of underground facilities, ensuring your safety and preventing any damage to the utilities. Prioritizing safety benefits both you and the utility company.

Expert Guidance and Assistance

If you have any questions or need advice on where to plant trees near power lines or underground equipment, do not hesitate to reach out to the utility company. They have certified arborists on their staff who are eager to help and provide you with the necessary information to protect yourself and the power infrastructure.

In conclusion, trees and utilities can indeed coexist harmoniously with proper planning and consideration. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can ensure the health of trees while maintaining a reliable power supply. Remember to prioritize safety, obtain a locate ticket, and consult experts when needed. Together, we can create a greener environment while enjoying the benefits of modern utilities.