
In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about caring for Scindapsus Pictus plants. Scindapsus Pictus, also known as the Velvet Leaf plant, is a popular houseplant with beautiful, velvety leaves. In this video transcript, we will cover the key points for keeping your Scindapsus Pictus plants happy and healthy, from lighting and watering requirements to cleaning and fertilizing tips.

Lighting Requirements

Scindapsus Pictus plants are known for their adaptability to lower lighting conditions. However, if you want your plants to thrive and grow quickly, it’s best to provide them with bright indirect lighting. Avoid direct sunlight, as these plants can easily get burned. If your only option is a bright spot with direct sunlight, consider using a sheer curtain or shading the plant with other taller plants to protect it. Regularly turn your Scindapsus Pictus plants to ensure equal lighting from all angles and promote full and 360-degree growth.

Spacing and Growth Rate

Keeping your Scindapsus Pictus plants in low light conditions may result in closer leaf spacing and a less healthy appearance. While these plants can survive in lower lighting conditions, they will grow more slowly and may become leggy or stretched out. To encourage healthy and bushy growth, it’s best to provide them with bright indirect lighting. You will notice a significant difference in growth rate and overall appearance when they receive adequate light.

Moss Pole and Aerial Roots

Using a moss pole can be beneficial for Scindapsus Pictus plants, especially if you prefer to avoid trailing vines. A moss pole provides support for the plant and encourages the growth of aerial roots, which can absorb essential micronutrients and help the plants grow faster. Attach the aerial roots to the moss pole for additional support and enhanced growth. With regular care and proper conditions, your Scindapsus Pictus plant can produce gorgeous, mature growth.

Leaf Cleaning and Maintenance

While Scindapsus Pictus plants with velvet leaves dislike moisture on their leaves, it’s important to keep their leaves clean to ensure optimal light absorption. Dust, dirt, and other debris can prevent the leaves from receiving the necessary light for healthy growth. Regularly wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or gently dust them to remove any build-up. Pay closer attention to velvety leaf plants, as dust may be less noticeable on their leaves.

Watering and Root Rot Prevention

Scindapsus Pictus plants are highly susceptible to root rot, so it’s crucial to avoid overwatering them. Before watering, check the soil and wait for the top few inches to dry out. Stick your finger into the soil to ensure it feels dry before giving them water. Underwatering is always better than overwatering, as it is easier to revive a plant that has been underwatered than one suffering from root rot. Additionally, ensure your plant has proper drainage to prevent water from being trapped around the roots.

Fertilizing for Growth

Introducing a fertilizer into your watering routine can help support the growth of your Scindapsus Pictus plant. Fertilizers provide essential nutrients and encourage new growth. Use a fertilizer suitable for houseplants, and follow the instructions on the label to determine the proper dosage. If you’re new to fertilizing, start with a small amount and gradually increase it over time. Monitor your plants’ response to fertilizer and adjust accordingly.


By following these care tips, you can ensure that your Scindapsus Pictus plants flourish and thrive in your home. Remember to provide them with adequate lighting, keep their leaves clean, water them judiciously to prevent root rot, and introduce fertilizer for growth. With the right care, your Scindapsus Pictus plants will reward you with their beautiful, velvety foliage and vibrant growth. Enjoy the benefits of having these stunning plants in your home!