
In this article, we will delve into the world of Scindapsus plants and discuss the care and propagation of three popular varieties: Jade Satin, Exotica, and Treubii. Scindapsus plants are often compared to Pothos plants, but they have a few subtle differences that we will explore. Whether you’re a seasoned plant parent or just starting out, this comprehensive guide will help you care for your Scindapsus plants and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

Basic Care for Scindapsus Plants

Scindapsus plants are incredibly easy to care for and can tolerate a wide range of lighting conditions. They can thrive in low, medium, and high-light environments, but direct sunlight should be avoided. The Jade Satin variety, for example, can grow well in medium light conditions, which typically range from 200 to 500 foot candles. To determine the light levels in your growing area, you can use a light meter. During the summer months, when the sun is higher in the sky, even a Scindapsus plant placed far from a south-facing window may be considered to be in low light conditions, receiving around 100 foot candles. However, these plants will grow more slowly in lower light conditions compared to brighter locations.

In terms of watering, Scindapsus plants prefer to be allowed to dry out between waterings. Unlike Pothos plants, which droop when they need water, Scindapsus plants have leaves that curl inward when thirsty. It is important not to overwater them, as they prefer their soil to dry out completely before the next watering. The frequency of watering will depend on factors such as temperature, humidity, and the type of potting mix used. On average, you can expect to water your Scindapsus plant once every two weeks.

Choosing the Right Soil and Fertilizer

When it comes to soil, Scindapsus plants prefer a well-draining mix. A recommended mix is 75% tropical plant soil and 25% perlite. The perlite helps to ensure proper drainage and prevents the soil from becoming waterlogged, which could lead to root rot.

For fertilization, using a foliage-focused fertilizer like Dyna-Gro Foliage Pro is ideal. It is best to dilute the fertilizer to half-strength and apply it during the active growth seasons of spring and summer. During the winter months, it is recommended to discontinue fertilization as the plant’s growth slows down.

Humidity and Pest Control

Scindapsus plants can tolerate regular house humidity levels, but they may appreciate higher humidity, especially if you want them to grow faster. In regions with drier air, like the Canadian prairies, where the humidity ranges from 30% to 50%, maintaining regular household humidity is usually sufficient. However, if you notice that your plants are struggling or not growing as quickly as you’d like, it may be worth considering increasing humidity levels.

One common pest issue with Scindapsus plants is thrips. Thrips can cause damage and discoloration to the leaves, leaving behind yellow patches or black dots, which are their excrement. If you suspect a thrip infestation, thoroughly inspect your plants and remove any affected leaves. Treating the plant with an appropriate insecticide or organic insecticidal soap can help control thrips. Additionally, reducing humidity and increasing air circulation can prevent thrips from infesting your plants.

Propagation Techniques

Scindapsus plants are relatively easy to propagate, and there are two commonly used methods: water propagation and perlite propagation. While water propagation works well for some plants, the perlite method is recommended for Scindapsus varieties, especially Jade Satin.

To propagate using the perlite method, cut a section of stem close to a node. Pruning the plant in this manner will promote new growth from the closest node and can also encourage growth along the stem, resulting in a bushier appearance. It is important to ensure that each cutting has at least one node, as this is where new roots will develop. After making the cuttings, you can plant them in perlite and keep them lightly moist until they develop roots. Once the cuttings have rooted, they can be potted up in soil, and each cutting will grow into its own new plant.

Water propagation can also be used for Scindapsus plants but may take longer to produce roots and new growth compared to the perlite method. Cuttings can be placed in water and left until roots develop. Once the roots are established, the cuttings can be potted up in soil, and new growth will emerge from the nodes.


Scindapsus plants, including the Jade Satin, Exotica, and Treubii varieties, are popular choices for plant enthusiasts due to their forgiving nature and stunning foliage. By following the care guidelines shared in this article, you can ensure your Scindapsus plants thrive and flourish. Remember to provide them with the right lighting conditions, allow the soil to dry out between waterings, choose a well-draining soil mix, and keep an eye out for any pest issues. Furthermore, if you’re looking to expand your Scindapsus collection, the propagation methods discussed here will help you multiply your plants and create beautiful displays in your home. Happy gardening!