
In this article, we will discuss the significance of male pollinators for American persimmons. Many nurseries mislead customers by suggesting that certain types of American persimmons or their crosses with Japanese persimmons do not require a pollinator. However, having a male pollinator is crucial for a bountiful crop of superior persimmons. We will explore the differences between male and female persimmon flowers, demonstrate the importance of male trees in increasing fruit production, and share personal experiences and insights.

Understanding the Differences between Male and Female Persimmons Flowers

Male persimmon flowers are smaller in size compared to female flowers. One way to differentiate between the two is by observing the number of flowers sprouting from a node. Female persimmon trees usually have one flower per node, which is larger in size. In contrast, male persimmon trees often have multiple flowers per node. This difference in flower structure and quantity serves as a clear indication of the tree’s gender.

The Role of Male Pollinators in Fruit Production

Having a male persimmon tree in close proximity to female trees is essential for optimal fruit production. Female persimmons trees rely on male pollinators to fertilize their flowers and develop fruits. While some nurseries claim that certain varieties of American persimmons or their crosses with Japanese persimmons are self-pollinating, it is not entirely accurate. To achieve the best crop, it is highly recommended to have a male tree in the vicinity.

Personal Experience: The Impact of Male Pollinators

The author shares their personal journey with persimmon cultivation. Initially, they purchased a self-pollinating persimmon tree from a nursery that assured them no pollinator was needed. However, for the first several years, the tree did not bear many fruits. Upon further research, the author realized the importance of male pollinators and decided to plant three male trees in their yard. The results were remarkable, with thousands of fruits appearing on the trees. This firsthand experience solidified their belief in the necessity of male trees for improving crop yield.

Male Pollinators and Hybrid Persimmons

Not only are male pollinators crucial for traditional American persimmons, but they also play a vital role in hybrid varieties, such as the popular Nikita’s Gift and Rosianka. These hybrid persimmons, which are a cross between American and Japanese varieties, also require a male pollinator for optimal fruit production. The presence of a male tree significantly increases the yield, ensuring a more abundant harvest.

Proper Placement of Male Trees

While some sources may suggest that a male tree located a quarter of a mile away can sufficiently pollinate persimmon trees, the author disagrees. They believe that having a male tree in close proximity to the female trees in one’s own yard is essential for a guaranteed superior crop. Ideally, planting a male persimmon tree alongside the female trees ensures effective pollination and increases the chances of a successful harvest.


In conclusion, the presence of a male pollinator is of utmost importance when cultivating American persimmons. Male trees play a critical role in fertilizing the flowers of female trees, leading to increased fruit production. Despite misleading claims by some nurseries, it is recommended to have a male tree for optimal results. Personal experiences and observations have demonstrated the significant impact of male pollinators on crop yield. So, if you’re aiming for a bountiful harvest of superior persimmons, make sure to include a male persimmon tree in your yard.