
In a mesmerizing display of hard work and dedication, the Alabama Pecan Growers Association recently visited a local orchard to learn about the secrets behind their impeccable pecan harvest. Newberry Pecans Orchard, located in North Alabama, hosted the group and showcased their unique irrigation system and award-winning packaging. This article delves into the details of the visit, highlighting the key takeaways and the passionate individuals behind the thriving pecan industry in Alabama.

The Alabama Pecan Growers Association and their Summer Tour

The Alabama Pecan Growers Association embarked on their annual summer tour, providing their members with an opportunity to explore different orchards across the state. On this occasion, they were welcomed by the Newberry Family at their remarkable Newberry Pecans Orchard in North Alabama. The association members gained valuable insights into the processes and techniques employed by the Newberry family to achieve a successful pecan harvest each year.

Newberry Pecans Orchard: A Beacon of Excellence

Newberry Pecans Orchard stands out for its exceptional pecan production, yielding over 2000 pounds of pecans annually. The Newberry family manages this thriving orchard with precision and meticulous care, ensuring that each pecan comes with its own unique personality. From their innovative irrigation system to their award-winning packaging, Newberry Pecans Orchard exudes excellence and a deep passion for their craft.

Sharing Knowledge and Tackling Challenges

During the visit, the Alabama Pecan Growers Association emphasized the importance of sharing knowledge and problem-solving techniques among growers. President Terry Laundry understands that agriculture is ever-evolving, and staying updated with the latest technological advancements is crucial. By learning from fellow farmers and incorporating their successful methods, the association aims to help all Alabama pecan growers achieve greater success in their harvests.

The Ingenious Watering System at Newberry Pecans Orchard

One of the most notable takeaways from the visit was Newberry Pecans Orchard’s innovative water system. To ensure optimal hydration for their pecan trees, they utilize a special sprinkler that wobbles as it waters the trees. This system effectively filters the water through sand filters, preventing any blockage and ensuring smooth irrigation. By implementing this strategic approach, Newberry Pecans Orchard ensures their trees receive the necessary amounts of water, especially during the hot summer months.

A Rich History of Pecan Tree Cultivation

Newberry Pecans Orchard has a poignant history that spans nearly 30 years. It all began when Joe Newberry’s father planted 40 pecan trees. After his father’s passing, Joe and his family had to reconstruct the land, but they managed to save a handful of trees. Since then, hundreds of pecan trees have been planted, enabling the Newberry family to share their love for pecans with others. Their orchard serves as a testament to their dedication and the collaboration they strive to foster within the state.

The Health Benefits of Pecans

Aside from the sheer joy of cultivating pecans, the Newberry family also highlights the health benefits associated with these delicious nuts. Pecans are rich in nutrients and provide numerous health benefits. Joe Newberry personally consumes about 14 pecans per day, which fuels him with essential nutrients and keeps him going on the farm. With this perspective, it is no wonder that the Newberry family pours their heart and soul into producing the finest pecans.


The visit of the Alabama Pecan Growers Association to Newberry Pecans Orchard showcased the immense dedication and passion behind Alabama’s thriving pecan industry. With their innovative techniques and commitment to quality, the Newberry family has set a benchmark for successful pecan cultivation in the region. Through the sharing of knowledge and the fostering of collaboration, the Alabama Pecan Growers Association aims to elevate the entire pecan industry within the state. By continuing to explore new technologies and techniques, Alabama’s pecan growers can adapt to an ever-changing agricultural landscape and ensure a bountiful harvest year after year.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle, the Newberry family also encourages the consumption of pecans for their abundant nutritional benefits. With their delectable taste and numerous health advantages, pecans truly exemplify nature’s wholesome offerings. Whether enjoyed as a snack or incorporated into various dishes, pecans prove to be a delightful addition to any culinary repertoire.

By investing time, effort, and expertise into their pecan orchards, the Alabama Pecan Growers Association and the Newberry family exemplify the epitome of success in the pecan industry. Through their shared knowledge and dedication, they cultivate a thriving ecosystem that nourishes both the land and the community.