In this article, we are going to discuss dreams that reveal your prophetic gift. First Corinthians 12 mentions nine spiritual gifts given to believers by the Holy Spirit, and three of these gifts are known as the knowledge gifts - the word of knowledge, the word of wisdom, and the discerning of spirits. We will focus specifically on these gifts and how they can be identified through elements and symbols in dreams.

1. Wearing glasses in a dream

If you dream of wearing glasses, but you do not wear them in real life, it could be a symbol of the seer anointing, indicating that you have a keen prophetic vision. This means that you have the ability to interpret what God is saying through what you see. The Prophet Daniel operated under a seer’s anointing, as seen in the Book of Daniel. Furthermore, if you have the ability to interpret dreams and visions, you also have a seer’s anointing, as seen in the lives of Joseph and Daniel.

2. Looking through a window

Dreaming of looking through a window, whether you are indoors or in a vehicle, can represent prophetic vision. It suggests that you are able to see present or future events that were previously unknown to you. The act of looking out of a window signifies that you are a visionary and have the ability to see what God is revealing in your dreams. Additionally, if you have dreams where you are looking off in the distance and see something approaching, such as a storm, it may also indicate a prophetic gift.

3. Big ears

If you dream that your ears are unusually big or if you see an ear in your dream, it could be a sign that you have a prophetic gift and that you have no trouble hearing what God is saying. Sometimes, a vision of an ear can suddenly appear, indicating that the Lord has something important to communicate that should not be missed. However, if you dream of having something in your ear and are trying to remove it, it may suggest that there is something hindering you from hearing God clearly.

4. Flying

Flying in a dream can have various meanings, but when you are flying without being in an airplane, it can symbolize a prophetic anointing. This means that you have been given incredible spiritual insight and the ability to see from a heavenly perspective. Flying in a dream can represent having prophetic vision.

5. Seeing things that others cannot see

If you dream of seeing something in vivid detail, such as an angel in the sky, while no one else in the dream can see it, it indicates a prophetic gift. This means that you have the ability to see what is happening in the spiritual realm that others may be unaware of.

6. The appearance of a prophet in your dream

Having a dream involving a well-known prophet or a prophetic figure could suggest that you have been given a prophetic gift or that you stand in the office of a prophet. For example, dreaming of being taught by a prophet or having a prominent prophetic figure visit you could symbolize the presence of a prophetic anointing in your life.

7. Smelling something

If you dream of smelling something specific, such as a bad odor or a pleasant fragrance, it could reveal the gift of discerning of spirits. This gift allows you to perceive the true character of people and to discern the presence of angels and demonic spirits in a place or environment. A foul or rotten odor in a dream may indicate the presence of demons, while the scent of flowers or a sweet fragrance can represent the presence of heaven or angels.

In conclusion, dreams can provide insight into our prophetic gifts by using various symbols and elements. It is important to pay attention to these symbols in order to interpret the dream correctly. Dreams can reveal the seer anointing, prophetic vision, the gift of hearing, prophetic anointing, the ability to see what others cannot see, the presence of a prophet or prophetic figure, and the gift of discerning of spirits. Understanding these dream symbols can help us better understand and utilize our prophetic gifts.

If you are interested in learning more about dreams and dream interpretation, “The Mysterious Language of Dreams” is a recommended resource. It delves into the depth dimension of dreams, dream layers, the time dimension of dreams, and dreams and the imagination. The book also includes over 40 real-life dreams for practice interpretation, as well as a dream dictionary with over 400 dream symbols.

Have you ever had a dream that falls into one of the scenarios mentioned in this article? If so, please share your experience in the comments below. Additionally, we would love to know what prophetic gift you feel you have. Remember to subscribe to our channel to join the dream team and receive notifications for future videos.