
Welcome to Raintree Nursery, where we are delighted to introduce you to the enchanting and flavorful Melrose apple. In this article, we will delve into the captivating qualities of this apple variety, from its tantalizing taste to its resistance to common apple diseases. Whether you are an avid gardener or simply appreciate the delectable world of apples, the Melrose apple is sure to capture your heart.

The Captivating Flavor of Melrose Apples

The Melrose apple is a true gem when it comes to taste. With the perfect blend of sweetness and juiciness, this apple boasts a complex flavor profile that is often associated with dense and crunchy varieties. Unlike its tough counterparts, the Melrose apple offers a smooth and crisp bite that is irresistibly satisfying. The unique combination of sweetness and complexity makes it an absolute delight for apple enthusiasts of all kinds.

A Cross Between Jonathan and Red Delicious

The Melrose apple is the successful result of crossing two iconic apple varieties: Jonathan and Red Delicious. By combining the desirable traits of both parents, the Melrose apple has inherited the best qualities of each. It effortlessly marries the tartness of Jonathan with the sweetness of Red Delicious, resulting in an apple that truly stands out in terms of taste and versatility.

Ideal for Storage and Fresh Consumption

One of the remarkable characteristics of the Melrose apple is its excellent storage capacity. Harvested late in the season, this apple can be safely stored for an extended period, allowing you to savor its exceptional flavor long after the harvest season has passed. Whether you choose to enjoy it fresh, bake it into pies, or transform it into other delectable treats, the Melrose apple retains its remarkable flavor and texture, making it a versatile addition to any kitchen.

Resisting Cedar Apple Rust and Other Diseases

For organic growers or those facing challenges with cedar apple rust, the Melrose apple offers a great solution. This apple variety showcases impressive resistance to cedar apple rust, making it an excellent choice for individuals who prioritize organic and sustainable gardening practices. By cultivating the Melrose apple in your orchard, you can enjoy its remarkable flavor without the worry of common apple diseases compromising its health.

A Unique Triploid Variety

The Melrose apple tree is a unique triploid variety, which means it does not produce any pollen. Referred to as pollen sterile, it requires a separate pollenizer in order to set fruit. While it may not return the favor by pollinating other apple trees in your orchard, its exceptional taste and texture more than make up for this quirk. To ensure a fruitful harvest, be sure to plant a suitable pollinator nearby and watch as the Melrose apple tree blossoms into a bountiful source of delicious fruits.

The Official Apple of Ohio

If you were seeking further validation of the Melrose apple’s outstanding qualities, look no further than its official recognition as the apple of the state of Ohio. Chosen as a representation of the state’s commitment to superior apple cultivation, this prestigious title highlights the exceptional taste and popularity of the Melrose apple within the region. Join the ranks of apple enthusiasts in Ohio and beyond by adding this remarkable variety to your own orchard.


In conclusion, we have explored the captivating qualities of the Melrose apple, from its enchanting flavor profile to its resistance to cedar apple rust. As an official representative of the state of Ohio, this apple variety is truly a standout in terms of taste and versatility. Whether you are a seasoned gardener or a passionate apple lover, the Melrose apple is an excellent choice for its exquisite flavor and storage capabilities. So, go ahead and embark on the journey of growing, harvesting, and savoring the delightful Melrose apple – an apple that is sure to capture your heart.