
Are you interested in learning how to dig up and transplant a Crepe Myrtle? In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to successfully transplant a Crepe Myrtle and even split it into multiple trees. Transplanting a Crepe Myrtle can be a challenging task, but with the right knowledge and techniques, you can turn a single tree into two or three beautiful ones. So, grab your gardening tools and let’s get started!

Key Points

  1. Preparing to Dig Up the Crepe Myrtle
  2. Removing Dirt and Separating the Roots
  3. Moving the Tree to the Backyard
  4. Trimming and Planting the Tree
  5. Dividing the Crepe Myrtle into Multiple Trees
  6. Transplanting the Divided Trees
  7. Post-Transplant Care

Step 1: Preparing to Dig Up the Crepe Myrtle

Before you start digging up the Crepe Myrtle, make sure you have the necessary tools and equipment. These may include a shovel, wheelbarrow, pruning shears, and a chainsaw. It’s also important to choose the right time to transplant the tree. Ideally, this should be done before any buds start to bloom or during the dormant season.

Step 2: Removing Dirt and Separating the Roots

Once you have dug up the Crepe Myrtle, it’s time to remove the excess dirt and separate the roots. Use a hose to spray off the dirt, but if your hose is too short, you may need to wait for rain to help wash away the debris. Take a closer look at the root system and determine if it is possible to separate the tree into multiple trees. In some cases, the tree may have a solid trunk and cannot be divided.

Step 3: Moving the Tree to the Backyard

After cleaning the tree, it’s time to move it to the backyard. This can be a challenging task due to the weight of the tree. Consider using a wheelbarrow or getting help from someone to lift and transport the tree. Take extra caution not to damage the branches or roots during the process.

Step 4: Trimming and Planting the Tree

Once the tree is in the backyard, you can trim off any smaller branches to reduce the weight. This will make it easier to handle and plant. Dig a hole in the desired location and carefully place the tree in it. Make sure the roots are spread out and covered with soil. Water the tree thoroughly to help it establish in its new location.

Step 5: Dividing the Crepe Myrtle into Multiple Trees

If you have determined that your Crepe Myrtle can be divided into multiple trees, proceed with caution. Use a chainsaw to cut the tree into separate sections. Take into account the size and strength of each section before making the cuts. Be careful not to damage the main trunk or roots while dividing the tree.

Step 6: Transplanting the Divided Trees

Once the Crepe Myrtle has been divided, it’s time to transplant the newly separated trees. Follow the same steps as mentioned in Step 4 to plant each tree in its designated spot. It’s important to ensure that each tree has enough space to grow and thrive.

Step 7: Post-Transplant Care

After transplanting the Crepe Myrtle trees, it’s crucial to provide them with proper care. Water the trees regularly, especially during dry periods, and monitor their growth. Consider adding mulch around the base of each tree to retain moisture and suppress weed growth. Prune the trees as needed to maintain their shape and promote healthy growth.


Transplanting a Crepe Myrtle can be a rewarding experience, especially when successfully dividing it into multiple trees. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, you can confidently dig up and transplant your Crepe Myrtle. Remember to choose the right time for transplanting, be cautious while dividing the tree, and monitor the post-transplant care. With proper care and attention, your newly transplanted Crepe Myrtle trees will bloom beautifully in their new location. Happy gardening!