Welcome to HortTube! In this article, we will discuss the beautiful and low-maintenance White Chiffon Rose of Sharon, also known as Hibiscus syriacus. This ornamental shrub is cold hardy and can grow up to 12 feet in height and eight to ten feet in width. We will explore the key points of growing and caring for this stunning plant, including its preferred sunlight exposure, ideal planting location, blooming period, and tips for maintenance.

Key Points:

  1. White Chiffon can reach 12 feet in height and eight to ten feet in width.
  2. It is very cold hardy, suitable for zones five to nine.
  3. The growth rate of White Chiffon is moderate, with approximately six to eight inches of growth in a single season.
  4. It thrives in full sun but can tolerate half a day of sunlight.
  5. Due to its size, White Chiffon is not ideal for foundation planting and requires open space.
  6. Its foliage is dark and attractive, making it an excellent border plant.
  7. It blooms from late spring to early summer, producing four-inch, white flowers.
  8. There are other varieties of Rose of Sharon that have different colors, such as lavender and purple.
  9. Proper watering is crucial during the first year, but established plants require minimal watering.
  10. Fertilize White Chiffon in late winter or early spring with a long-lasting outdoor fertilizer.
  11. Prune in late June or early July when the flowering winds down.
  12. Rose of Sharon is susceptible to various pests, so monitoring and control measures may be necessary.
  13. While not deer resistant, White Chiffon is not their top choice.

Growing White Chiffon Rose of Sharon

Sunlight Requirements

White Chiffon Rose of Sharon thrives in full sun but can tolerate at least half a day of sunlight. It is best to plant it in a location that receives sun until approximately 3:00 PM and then has some shade. The plant should still receive ample sunlight for healthy growth and blooming.

Planting Location

Due to its size, White Chiffon is not suitable for foundation planting. It needs open space to reach its full potential. Consider planting it as a border plant or alongside other smaller flowering shrubs. The foliage of White Chiffon is dark and attractive, making it a beautiful addition to any landscape.

Blooming Period

The primary feature of White Chiffon Rose of Sharon is its stunning four-inch, white flowers. It blooms from late spring to early summer, adding a touch of elegance to your garden. Compared to other flowering shrubs, Rose of Sharon starts blooming relatively late in the season, usually in summer.

Watering and Maintenance

During the first year, closely monitor the soil moisture levels and water accordingly. Stick your finger a couple of inches into the ground near the plant. If the soil is dry, water it thoroughly. Once established, White Chiffon requires minimal watering, especially in areas with regular rainfall. The plant is tolerant of dry conditions and can survive and bloom even in sandy, well-drained soil.

Fertilization and Pruning

Fertilize White Chiffon Rose of Sharon in late winter or early spring as it begins to leaf out. A three to four-month outdoor fertilizer would be ideal for providing the necessary nutrients. Pruning can be done when the flowering winds down in late June or early July. If needed, the plant can be pruned lightly or even cut in half. However, avoid drastic pruning during the growing season as it may affect next year’s blooming.

Pest Control

Rose of Sharon, including White Chiffon, is part of the hibiscus family and may attract various pests. Chewing insects, soft-bodied insects, and deer can be a nuisance for this plant. Take precautions and monitor the plant regularly for any signs of infestation. Control measures, such as targeted insecticides and deterrents, may be necessary if pest problems arise.

In conclusion, the White Chiffon Rose of Sharon is a stunning and low-maintenance plant that adds beauty to any landscape. With its cold hardiness, attractive foliage, and elegant white flowers, it is a popular choice among gardeners. Remember to provide sufficient sunlight, choose an open planting location, monitor watering during the establishment phase, fertilize appropriately, prune when necessary, and be vigilant with pest control. By following these guidelines, you can successfully grow and enjoy the White Chiffon Rose of Sharon in your garden.

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