dracaena janet craig in water


Dracaena plants, commonly known as Drasenas, are a popular choice among plant enthusiasts due to their vibrant foliage and low-maintenance requirements. However, to ensure the health and longevity of your Dracaena plants, it is important to follow a few essential care tips. In this article, we will provide you with five quick tips to help you successfully care for your Dracaena plants.

1. Protect Your Dracaena from Cold Temperatures

All Dracaena plants are highly sensitive to cold temperatures. Exposure to freezing temperatures can cause damage to the leaves, stems, and roots of the plant. When transporting your Dracaena, it is crucial to protect it from the cold. Cover the plant with paper or plastic to create a barrier against the cold air. This simple precaution will prevent any potential harm to your Dracaena and ensure its overall well-being.

2. Provide Adequate Drainage to Prevent Waterlogging

Dracaena plants should never be allowed to stand in water for extended periods. Waterlogging can lead to root rot and eventually kill your plant. To prevent this, ensure that your plant pots have drainage holes at the bottom. Additionally, it is essential to use well-draining soil for your Dracaena. You can achieve good drainage by mixing 70% standard potting soil with 30% either pumice or perlite. This mixture will create a favorable environment for your Dracaena’s root system, allowing excess water to flow out easily.

3. Address Yellow and Brown Leaf Tips

If you notice yellow or brown tips on the leaves of your Dracaena, it could be a sign of too many minerals in the water you’re using. Tap water often contains chlorine, fluoride, or sodium to purify it, which can be harmful to your plants. These minerals get absorbed by the roots and accumulate at the leaf tips, leading to cell death. To resolve this issue, consider filtering your water or using alternatives like rainwater or distilled water. By doing so, you will eliminate the excess minerals and prevent further damage to your Dracaena’s leaves.

4. Trim Discolored Leaf Tips

To maintain the beauty of your Dracaena, it is necessary to trim off any discolored leaf tips. Using a clean and sharp pair of scissors, carefully trim the affected parts of the leaves. Follow the natural contours of the leaf to ensure a seamless appearance. By removing these damaged portions, you not only enhance the overall aesthetics of the plant, but also promote healthy leaf growth.

5. Proper Pruning Techniques

Pruning your Dracaena is crucial for maintaining its shape and preventing it from growing too tall. Instead of allowing the stems to reach the ceiling, it is advisable to prune them when they become too long. To prune your Dracaena, make a clean cut between two leaves or where a stem has dropped its leaves. Springtime is the best season for pruning, as it allows the plant to grow new buds and develop a fuller crown. Regular pruning will encourage the growth of multiple buds and promote a more compact and visually appealing Dracaena.


By following these five essential tips, you can ensure the healthy growth and longevity of your Dracaena plants. Protecting your Dracaena from cold temperatures, providing adequate drainage, addressing mineral imbalances in your water, trimming discolored leaf tips, and implementing proper pruning techniques will contribute to the overall health and beauty of your plants. Remember, regular care and attention are key to maintaining thriving Dracaena plants.

If you would like to learn more about caring for Dracaena plants, be sure to check out our in-depth video guide on the topic. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and leave a comment on our Youtube channel, Swedish Plantguys. You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram for sneak previews and updates on upcoming videos. Happy gardening!