Introduction: Discovering the Fascination of Crepe Myrtle

Welcome to Al’s Garden & Home, where Jack Biggie takes you on a journey to explore the breathtaking beauty of crepe myrtle. With over 55 years of experience, Jack is here to share his expertise and unveil why crepe myrtle is an exceptional late summer stunner.

Unveiling the Beauty of Crepe Myrtle

Crepe myrtle, also known as Lagerstroemia, is a botanical marvel that blossoms into vibrant clusters of flowers in late summer. These visually striking flowers resemble delicate crepe paper, explaining the name “crepe myrtle.”

The Mesmerizing Colors

With numerous varieties and a wide array of colors, crepe myrtle offers a feast for the eyes. One standout variety is the Pink Velour; its ruffled and captivating appearance makes it a personal favorite. For an explosive burst of color, the Dynamite crepe myrtle is highly sought after. Its fiery red blooms make it a showstopper in any garden.

Winter Appeal

Crepe myrtles continue to enchant even after summer fades. During winter, the exfoliating bark reveals a smooth, immaculate trunk. This transformation adds an appealing dimension to the garden, making crepe myrtles a year-round source of fascination.

Choosing the Right Crepe Myrtle

When selecting a crepe myrtle for your garden, it’s important to consider factors such as size and bloom frequency.

Multiple Trunks for Visual Interest

To enhance the visual appeal during winter, consider opting for crepe myrtles with multiple trunks. This feature provides additional points of interest and creates a more captivating display.

Cannibal Hua: The Smaller Beauty

If you have limited space, the Cannibal Hua is an ideal choice. This smaller-growing crepe myrtle flaunts beautiful purple blooms and can even bloom twice in a hot summer. With its ability to flourish on new wood, you can prune it to your desired size without worrying about inhibiting blooming.

Nachas: The Pure White Wonder

While it may have fallen out of popularity, the Nachas crepe myrtle still exhibits its white splendor. Although it can grow quite large, this variety can be pruned back to maintain a desired size. With over four feet of new growth each year, it showcases the resilience and beauty of crepe myrtles.

Care and Maintenance Tips

Now that you’ve decided on the perfect crepe myrtle, here are some essential care and maintenance tips to ensure its health and beauty.

Pruning for Optimal Blooming

Unlike many other flowering plants, crepe myrtles bloom on new wood. This means you can prune them as much as you want without sacrificing the current year’s blooms. Pruning encourages new growth and leads to even more stunning blooms in the future.

Adjusting Size to Suit Your Needs

Crepe myrtles can be easily maintained at various heights, making them adaptable to any yard. With regular pruning, you can control the size and shape to fit the space available. Whether you prefer a towering 15-foot crepe myrtle or a charming 6-footer, the choice is yours.

Embracing the Beauty of Crepe Myrtle in Late Summer

Crepe myrtle’s unparalleled beauty stands out during late summer when other plants have faded away. Its captivating colors and unique form make it a must-have for any garden enthusiast. Don’t miss the opportunity to incorporate this extraordinary shrub into your Oregon landscape. Embrace the enchantment and marvel at the awe-inspiring display crepe myrtle offers.

In conclusion, crepe myrtle is a true marvel of nature, bringing vibrant colors and captivating forms to the late summer landscape. Whether you choose the fiery Dynamite or the delicate Pink Velour, crepe myrtle is sure to be a breathtaking addition to your garden. With proper care and maintenance, you can enjoy its beauty year after year. So, let crepe myrtle grace your backyard and turn it into a sanctuary of natural wonder and tranquility.