
In this article, we will explore the concept of companion planting and how it can greatly benefit your fruit trees. By strategically choosing companion plants, you can increase pollination, attract beneficial insects, and ultimately enhance the overall health and productivity of your garden. We will delve into specific examples and offer tips to help you achieve maximum success with your fruit trees.

Underplanting with Nasturtiums for Pollination

One effective technique in companion planting involves underplanting your fruit trees with flowers that attract pollinators. For example, the beautiful nasturtiums can be planted underneath your fig tree to encourage pollination. These vibrant flowers contain nectar that attracts bees, which then pollinate the blossoms, leading to the development of more fruits. By carefully timing the blooming of flowers with the growth of your fig tree, you can significantly increase your fruit yield.

The Importance of Timing and Pruning

Timing is crucial when it comes to fruit tree care. By understanding when to prune and how to do it correctly, you can ensure that your tree remains healthy and vibrant. Pruning at the right time helps prevent pest infestations and encourages the presence of beneficial insects. For example, a lime tree might require pruning to encourage healthy growth. By doing so, you create an environment that attracts parasitic wasps and ladybirds, which can naturally control aphids and other pests. It is important to note that new growth is particularly susceptible to pests, so timely pruning is essential for maintaining a healthy tree.

Observing Buds and Fruit Formation

As you observe the buds on your fruit tree, you can anticipate the growth of new fruit. Pollination plays a crucial role during this stage, as the tiny flowers attract pollinators that will facilitate fruit formation. It is important to inspect the developing fruit and assess how many each branch can support. If there are too many, you may need to thin them out to ensure that the tree can bear the weight and size of the fruit. By carefully managing fruit production, you can encourage the tree to grow healthier and more plentiful fruit.

Making Informed Decisions

Ultimately, it is essential to make informed decisions when it comes to companion planting and fruit tree care. By understanding the needs of your specific tree and its surrounding environment, you can ensure the best possible outcome. Consider factors such as the size and maturity of your tree, as well as the available space and sunlight. These factors will help you determine the appropriate number of fruit to allow on each branch, promoting healthy growth and optimal fruit size. Striking the right balance between quality and quantity is crucial in maximizing harvest yields.

Companion Plants for Fruit Trees

In addition to the aforementioned nasturtiums, other companion plants can be beneficial for fruit trees. Arrowroot, for example, serves multiple purposes. Not only can you use the root as a delicious edible crop, but the plant itself acts as a natural mulch and provides shade for the understory. This can create a favorable microclimate for the tree’s roots and help conserve moisture. Turmeric and ginger are also excellent companion plants, attracting bees and providing additional ground cover.

Managing Your Fruit Trees

While companion planting is important, it is equally crucial to manage your fruit trees effectively. Regular maintenance, such as pruning, watering, and nutrition, will ensure their health and productivity. By applying these tips and techniques, you can create a thriving food forest or kitchen garden that produces an abundance of healthy and flavorful fruit.


Companion planting with fruit trees offers numerous benefits for both the trees themselves and the overall garden ecosystem. By choosing the right companion plants, timing pruning correctly, and managing fruit production, you can significantly increase fruit yield while attracting beneficial insects and creating a visually stunning garden. Remember to observe the buds and developing fruit, making informed decisions to promote healthy growth and harvests. By implementing these tips, your fruit trees will flourish, providing you with the satisfaction of a bountiful harvest.