
In this article, we will discuss how to grow organic persimmons in California. Persimmons are not only beautiful fruit trees but also highly adaptable. The fruit can be enjoyed fresh, dried, or even pickled. As an organic gardener, I am committed to growing food in a way that is healthy, safe, and sustainable. I will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to successfully grow organic persimmons in your own backyard.

Choosing the Right Variety

The oriental persimmon, native to China and Japan, is a popular variety to grow in California. It is relatively pest-free and can thrive in various soil types. When selecting a persimmon tree, look for one that is self-pollinating and hardy down to zone seven. This will ensure a higher chance of successful fruit production.

Planting and Care

  1. Location: Choose a sunny spot in your garden for planting persimmons. They require full sun to thrive. Additionally, ensure that the soil has good drainage to prevent waterlogging.

  2. Watering: While established persimmon trees are drought-tolerant, regular watering is essential for optimal fruit production. However, be cautious not to overwater newly planted trees as this can lead to their death. Maintain a balance in watering to provide adequate moisture for the tree without drowning the roots.

  3. Soil: Persimmons can handle heavier soils compared to most fruit trees. However, for better results, opt for a tree that is grafted onto adhi lotus rootstock. This rootstock provides better tolerance to heavy soils.

  4. Pruning: Pruning is a crucial step in maintaining healthy and productive persimmon trees. Train your tree to a modified central leader system. Prune your persimmon tree during the winter, following similar techniques used in pruning cherries and apricots. This helps control the tree’s size and shape while promoting adequate air circulation and sunlight penetration.

  5. Thinning: Persimmons are heavy producers, and a mature tree can yield anywhere between 330 to 660 pounds of fruit annually. To ensure optimal fruit quality and size, thin out some of the long fruiting shoots. This practice limits the number of fruit the tree produces and prevents overcrowding.

  6. Disease and Pest Control: Persimmons are relatively pest-free; however, it is important to keep an eye out for common issues such as aphids, scale insects, and powdery mildew. Implement organic pest control methods such as introducing beneficial insects and regularly monitoring your tree’s health.

Harvesting and Storage

There are two types of persimmon fruits - a non-astringent type, such as the Fuyu, and an astringent type, such as the Hachiya. It is important to understand when to harvest each type to enjoy their full flavor:

  • Non-Astringent (Fuyu): Fuyu persimmons can be eaten right off the tree, similar to an apple. They should be harvested when fully colored but still firm.

  • Astringent (Hachiya): Hachiya persimmons, on the other hand, need to be fully ripe and very soft before consumption. If eaten before fully ripened, they can taste unpleasantly astringent, similar to alum powder. Harvest them when they are fully colored, but still firm. Then, ripen them indoors by placing them in boxes in the garage or on the kitchen counter. When fully ripe, they will have a gelatinous texture and a translucent appearance.

Once your persimmons are fully ripe, there are several options for storage:

  • Freezing: You can freeze fully ripe persimmons whole. When you’re ready to enjoy them, simply thaw them and savor their delicious flavor.


Growing organic persimmons in California can be a rewarding experience. By following the guidelines and tips provided in this article, you can ensure a healthy and abundant harvest. Remember to choose the right variety, provide optimal care, and harvest at the right time. Persimmons are not only beautiful trees but also offer a delicious and versatile fruit that can be enjoyed in various ways. Start growing your own organic persimmons today and embrace a sustainable and healthy lifestyle.