
In this article, we will explore 13 different fruit trees that you can grow in your backyard if you live in zone 10b. These trees offer a variety of fruits and are well-suited to the climate in this zone. Whether you are a seasoned gardener or a beginner, these fruit trees are relatively easy to care for and will provide you with delicious, homegrown produce. So let’s dive in and discover the best fruit trees for zone 10b.

1. Cherry Moya Tree

One of the first fruit trees we’ll look at is the Cherry Moya Tree. This tree is known for its delicious, custard-like fruits. It can be grown in a container and is relatively low maintenance. The Cherry Moya Tree produces beautiful flowers and fruits abundantly. You can expect around eight fruits per tree, making it a rewarding addition to your backyard.

2. Pomegranate Tree

The Pomegranate Tree is another great option for zone 10b. This tree can reach up to 15 feet in height and produces stunning flowers. While it is still in different stages of growth, you can expect to harvest pomegranates from November to December. Keep in mind that the female flowers produce the actual fruits, so it’s important to ensure a good balance of male and female flowers for optimal fruit production.

3. Pear Tree

The Pear Tree is a combination tree, meaning it has different varieties of pears on one tree. Planted next to a compost area, this tree absorbs nutrients from the compost, promoting healthy growth. While it may not be flourishing at the moment, it is still in good condition. The presence of lemongrass nearby might also contribute to the tree’s overall health.

4. Cherry Tree

The Cherry Tree in this backyard is an ultra-dwarf compact Stella cherry. Although it is still in its first year of growth, it is showing promising signs with lots of new growth. While there are no cherries visible yet, the abundance of new growth indicates a healthy tree that will likely produce cherries in the future.

5. Fuji Persimmon Tree

The Fuji Persimmon Tree is a small tree, reaching a height of about four feet. This tree is not yet planted in the ground and is producing an impressive number of persimmons. While it has dropped some fruits due to overabundance, this is a positive sign that the tree is thriving. The persimmons are delicious and will make a great addition to your fruit collection.

6. Pakistan Mulberry Tree

The Pakistan Mulberry Tree is currently in a pot, which allows for better control of its aggressive roots. Although it is small at the moment, this tree will grow larger over time. The Pakistan Mulberry is known for its long fruits with a sweet, rich flavor. This tree will add diversity to your backyard orchard and provide you with tasty mulberries.

7. Avocado Tree

Next on our list is the Avocado Tree, which is currently potted. While it hasn’t produced any flowers or avocados yet, it shows a lot of new growth. It’s important to note that avocado trees typically take a few years before they start producing fruit, so patience is key. With proper care and attention, you can expect avocados from this tree in the future.

8. CaraCara Orange Tree

The CaraCara Orange Tree has been in the ground for about eight to nine years and has been producing fruits regularly. While this year’s harvest might not be as abundant as last year’s, the oranges are still delicious. If you haven’t tried them before, they are definitely worth a taste. This tree is a great addition to any backyard orchard.

9. Mango Tree

The Mango Tree is a long-standing resident of this backyard, having been in the ground for about six to eight years. It is currently producing an abundance of mangoes, making it a highlight of the fruit collection. The variety of mango is uncertain, but the anticipation of enjoying these homegrown mangoes is high.

10. Ice Cream Bean Plant

The Ice Cream Bean Plant is a tropical plant that adds a unique touch to this backyard collection. Currently small, it will be transplanted into a larger pot soon. This plant produces edible pods filled with a sweet, cotton-like substance that tastes like vanilla ice cream. It will become a fantastic addition to your tropical fruit collection.

11. Papaya Tree

The Papaya Tree is growing nicely, standing at about six feet and flowering. While it hasn’t set any papayas yet, the presence of flowers is a positive sign. Papaya trees can take some time to bear fruit, but the sight of the flowers is promising. With proper care, you’ll be able to enjoy homegrown papayas in the near future.

12. Nectarine Tree

The Nectarine Tree is currently in the ground and is producing fruits that are turning color. To protect them from any potential pests, mesh bags have been purchased. While there are still some concerns about the tree’s health, the anticipation of enjoying fresh nectarines is high.

13. Banana Plant

Lastly, we have the Banana Plant, which is currently producing ripe bananas. This plant provides a satisfying harvest and can be considered a tree. The bananas have a unique taste and can be used in various dishes or enjoyed on their own. It’s a great way to end the backyard fruit tree tour.


In this article, we highlighted 13 fruit trees that are suitable for zone 10b backyards. These trees offer a variety of fruits, including cherry moya, pomegranate, pear, cherry, fuji persimmon, Pakistan mulberry, avocado, CaraCara orange, mango, ice cream bean, papaya, nectarine, and banana. By incorporating these trees into your backyard, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of homegrown fruits. Remember to provide proper care and attention to ensure the trees’ health and productivity. So why not start creating your own backyard orchard with these amazing fruit trees?