
In this article, we will explore the benefits of adding the AU Producer Plum to your food plots for wildlife. Plums are a fantastic option for attracting and providing sustenance to various wildlife species. We will discuss the significance of having a diverse range of drop dates for your plants and how it can help in retaining game animals on your property. By strategically planting plums, apples, pears, and other fruits with different drop times, you can ensure a steady supply of food throughout the growing season. Let’s dive into the details of AU Producer Plum and its importance.

Key Points:

  1. AU Producer Plum: The AU Producer Plum is a variety of plum released by Auburn University. It is known for its excellent health and consistent high yields. As a steady producer, this plum tree ensures a reliable food source for wildlife year after year.

  2. Importance of Drop Dates: When planning your food plots, it is crucial to consider a variety of drop dates for different fruits. By having sequential drop times, you can keep deer and other wildlife on your property throughout the growing season. It is ideal to have fruits dropping from March to July to cover the entire period.

  3. Diverse Planting: To maximize the attraction and retention of game animals, it is recommended to diversify your food plot by planting a variety of fruit trees such as plums, apples, and pears. By having different drop times, you create a continuous food supply that can entice wildlife to stay on your property for an extended period.

  4. Mid-Summer Planting: Plums, including the AU Producer Plum, are an excellent choice for mid-summer planting. This ensures that a fresh supply of fruit is available during the hotter months when other food sources may be scarce. A plum tree can help sustain wildlife during this crucial period.

Step-by-step process:

Follow these steps to integrate the AU Producer Plum into your food plots effectively:

Step 1: Research and acquire AU Producer Plum: Look for reputable nurseries or suppliers that offer the AU Producer Plum tree. Ensure you are getting healthy and well-maintained plants for optimal growth and fruit production.

Step 2: Select appropriate planting location: Plums require full sun exposure for at least six hours a day. Choose a location in your food plot that receives adequate sunlight and has well-draining soil.

Step 3: Prepare the soil: Ensure the soil is well-prepared before planting. Remove any weeds or grass and loosen the soil to provide proper aeration and drainage.

Step 4: Plant the AU Producer Plum: Dig a hole that is wide enough to accommodate the root ball of the tree. Place the tree in the hole, making sure it is at the same depth as it was in the container or nursery. Gently backfill the hole and water the tree thoroughly.

Step 5: Provide Care and Maintenance: Regularly monitor the plum tree for watering needs. Water deeply but infrequently to encourage deep root growth. Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the tree to retain moisture and suppress weeds. Prune the tree during the dormant season to maintain its shape and remove any dead or diseased branches.


Adding the AU Producer Plum to your food plots can benefit both wildlife and your overall habitat management. By incorporating a variety of drop dates through strategic planting, you can ensure a continuous food supply for deer and other game animals. The AU Producer Plum, with its steady yields and mid-summer drop dates, is an excellent choice for attracting and sustaining wildlife on your property. Remember to provide the necessary care and maintenance to allow the plum tree to thrive and contribute to a vibrant ecosystem. Start planning your ideal food plots today and make the AU Producer Plum a valuable addition to your wildlife management strategy.