
Gardening is a rewarding and fulfilling hobby, but it’s not without its challenges. In this article, we will take a closer look at eight garden fails that the Garden Answer channel experienced this year. From mysterious plant deaths to poor planning, these garden fails serve as a reminder that even experts face setbacks. Join us as we explore each fail in detail and discuss potential solutions.

1. The Mystery of the Dying Arborvitaes

The first garden fail revolves around a row of arborvitaes behind the greenhouse. While the rest of the arborvitaes in the garden flourished, this particular row started to wilt and die. The gardeners considered several possibilities, including water issues and weather-related problems. However, they realized that the use of incorrect herbicides might have caused the damage. Despite their efforts to revive the plants, they continued to struggle.

2. Herbicide Drift and Stressed Arborvitaes

Next on the list of garden fails are a couple of arborvitaes behind the vegetable garden that displayed signs of stress. The gardeners suspected herbicide drift as the cause, as there had been recent weed control activities in the area. Unlike wind or sunburn, which would affect all the arborvitaes uniformly, only these two plants showed signs of distress. Although they maintained proper care for the plants, they were unsure if the arborvitaes would bounce back.

3. Salvia vs. Super Tuna: A Poor Planting Choice

The third garden fail involves the attempted use of pink salvias as centerpieces in various containers. While the salvias were beautiful, they struggled to compete against the dominant super tuna vista bubble gum plants. The gardeners realized that their choice of planting companions was poor, as the super tunas outshone the salvias. While the salvias were intended to be centerpieces, they ended up appearing insignificant in comparison.

4. Leaf Curl and Tomato Experimentation

In another garden fail, the Garden Answer channel experimented with the Florida weave method of staking tomatoes on their new property. Unfortunately, the combination of extreme weather conditions, including high winds and heat, resulted in severe leaf curl in the tomato plants. Although the experiment was not entirely successful, the gardeners still appreciated the efficiency of the staking system and planned to try it again in the future.

5. Failed Sweet Potatoes and Unhealthy Squash

The next garden fail involved the attempted cultivation of sweet potatoes and blue Hubbard squash. Due to unsuitable conditions and a lack of care, the majority of the sweet potatoes perished. Additionally, the blue Hubbard squash plants appeared diseased and unhealthy. Despite the absence of visible pests, the plants failed to thrive. Although a few fruits may still develop, the overall harvest was disappointing.

6. Supertunias and Maple Trees: A Battle against Shade

In an attempt to beautify the area underneath maple trees, the gardeners planted supertunia mulberry charm. However, the supertunias struggled to grow and remained small and yellow for an extended period. To fill the empty spaces, lobularia plants were added with some success. The gardeners realized that the area received too much shade, hindering the supertunias’ growth. They concluded that shade-tolerant plants, such as Surefire begonias, would be a better choice for next year.


Gardening is a journey filled with both successes and failures. In this article, we explored eight garden fails experienced by the Garden Answer channel this year. From mysterious plant deaths to poor planning and environmental challenges, these failures remind us that even experts face setbacks. Through their experiences, we learned the importance of proper care and planning, as well as the need to adapt and learn from our mistakes. Despite the failures, the gardeners remain resilient and committed to the joys of gardening.